πŸ’₯ Anticipation is Power

πŸ‘‹ Hello friend

This week's newsletter will be a short but spicy one. 🌢

An impressive thing about aviation is its focus on learning from past experiences and applying the findings to anticipate the future.

Technical: There's always one or more backup systems when the main component fails.

Human: In pilot school, trainees repeatedly simulate possible worst-case scenarios.

Why? To not freeze when a similar scenario happens in real life, but having a plan and executing on it. ⬆ Mental capacity ⬇ Narrow focus

❗ What if we had a procedure, checklist, and step-by-step plan for the challenges we frequently face in our lives?

Some people may say that they rather continue thinking positively. What you concentrate on, you will get. And I agree.

However, with the power of anticipation, I am learning to better deal with setbacks and constantly look for possible solutions.

Like NLP Trainer and psychologist, Marian Zefferer said in this week's interview:

It's not what happens to you that matters, but how you react to it.

The podcast episode will be released this week.

🍦 Have a great week!

xx Lukas

πŸ’›πŸ’œ I got great feedback on last week's newsletter Learning how to learn. Thank you very much, this really helps me out.

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