3 evidence-based tips on how to stop being stressed when studying

3 evidence-based tips on how to stop being stressed when studying


5 years ago, I didn’t know how to stop being stressed when self-studying.

Today, I am a calm thinker.

studying in a tidy room where you see a hand and study material in the background

Here are 3 evidence-based hacks I’ve learned about how to stop being stressed when studying

#1. Have a tidy room before you start studying.

Studies have shown that clutter distracts from focusing on the task ahead. The same goes for constant popups on your phone or laptop. Your brain has to switch tasks constantly.

A Harvard study found that students studying in a clean room could complete tasks for 7.5 minutes longer than students studying in a cluttered room.

The best time to tidy your room is in the evening when your energy is low.

#2. Activate your diffused thinking mode by meditation, breathing exercises, or doing nothing.

I know this can be uncomfortable. But, I have experienced great ideas and solutions to problems by letting my mind wander.

As Barbara Oakley describes in her book A Mind For Numbers, it is best to turn on your brain's diffused mode to find a solution to a new problem.

A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

The diffused mode is achieved by letting the mind relax.

#3. Switch devices: When stressed studying on your laptop, continue on your PC.

Writers use the same technique when editing their articles to get a different perspective on their work.

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