My ImPossible List

My ImPossible List

My ImPossible List unlike a todo list helps me to take action now.

This, my ImPossible List is a very personal page, but I believe in sharing it with you:

  1. To motivate and inspire to create your own ImPossible List.
  2. Because making it public increases the likelihood of me following through.
  3. To entertain. ๐Ÿ˜‹
Unlike a bucket list, with the Impossible List, you can incrementally work your way up to achieve your higher goals in life. The ImPossible List is designed to take action right away.

You can find inspiring examples of other ImPossible Lists on the websites of Thomas Frank and Joel Runyon.

This is my ImPossible List, which is ever-evolving.

๐ŸŽง My ImPossible List Podcast Episode (German)

My ImPossible List Podcast Episode

Last Update:

05 July 2024

Current Focuses

โœ… 3 Mental Focus I try to live by:

โœ… Optimize and automate consistent daily processes in life

โœ… > 8h high quality sleep/night

โœ… 10.000 steps/day

โœ… Blueprint Protocol mealplan (1st:Nutty Pudding, 2nd:SuperVeggie, 3rd: meal of choice from protocol mealplan)

โœ… The evening is for fun, relaxation and recovery

โœ… Exercise 4 times a week - 30 minutes (Bryan Johnson Blueprint workout) + HITT mo, wed, fri

โœ… 1-hour meditation 20 min. after workout or after waking (05.07.24)

โœ… 15-minute priming to set me up for the day discontinued, only sometimes when walking

โœ… Journaling (3 things I am grateful for)

โŒ No adult movies

โŒ No Netflix

โŒ No alcohol

โŒ No processed foods / no refined sugar

โŒ No coffee after 4 p.m. quit coffee in April 2024

Last Completed Goals

๐Ÿ’• Social & Relationships

Visit a school-friend in another country
Weekly common cooking night
Change 1 Personโ€™s Life For The Better
10 Year Highschool Reunion
Build a house at a lake with future wife
Make a 1-week vacation trip with my sister March 2024
Monthly review with which people I spend the most time with
Be kind to myself 05.07.2024 ever evolving process, but definitely very good right now

โ—ฝ Minimalism

Count & document all my crap

๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ Fitness & Health

Run a half marathon September 2023
Run a marathon March 2022 & September 2023
Run an ultramarathon (50km)
Run an Olympic triathlon June 2022
Run an Ironman 70.3 {currently training - Jan 24'}
Run an Ironman
Learn Surfing October 2022
Swim across a wide river (min. 30 meters)
Swim across a big lake (min. 500 meters)
Swim across an ocean
Just start running (like Forest Gump) September 2023
Learn martial arts (preferably MMA)
Go Heliskiing (Canada)
Do 10 Pullups in a row September 2023
Do 15 Pullups in a row
Do 20 Pullups in a row
Do Hot Yoga
Climb a mountain wearing just shorts (like Wim Hof)
Do a split (currently streching every day - Jan 24')
Learn riding a unicycle

๐Ÿคฏ Crazy Stuff

go skydiving
Europe`s highest bungee jump (220m) June 2022
World highest bungee jump (260m)
Go swimming with sharks
Bike from Zuerich to Linz
Go backpacking for 1 week alone
Attend Vipassana August 2023
Break a World Record
Get something named after me

๐ŸŒผ Professional Goals

150 newsletter subscribers September 2023
500 newsletter subscribers
1000 newsletter subscribers
5000 newsletter subscribers

interview a famous person
interview someone on my podcast every day for one month
5000 Podcast downloads April 2024
10.000 Podcast downloads
100.000 Podcast download

have a paid newsletter
this blog as a source of side income
be self-employed June 2024
Do a talk in front of > 50 people
give a TEDx talk
Create my own supplement brand
Launch my own digital product

write a physical book
write an e-book
Make a YouTube channel summer 2022
Publish an Online Course March 2024

3 sustainable streams of passive income
5 streams of passive income
10 streams of passive income

๐Ÿ“† 30-Day Challenges

Twelve 30-Day Challenges for the year 2024 go to the 12 Challenges
Meditate 2h a day
Track everything I eat
Update a blogpost every day
Stretching January 2024
icebathing in my barrel in winter December 2023
no complaining
no caffeine May 2024
visualize every day in the morning February 2024
perform one random act of kindness
Memorize a deck of cards
Learn lucid dreaming
Go without internet

๐ŸŒ Travel

Do an interrail through Europe Jan-Mar 2024
Visit Patagonia
Visit Japan
Visit a nordic country
Visit every Continent
Go swimming in every Ocean

๐Ÿ”ฎ Other

Type faster than 60 WPM
Learn Keyboard Shortcuts I can use every day (80/20 rule)
Juggle 3 balls summer 2021
Juggle 4 balls summer 2021
Juggle 5 balls
Take a professional-grade photograph of the Milky Way

That's it. I hope to have inspired to create your own list of impossible things to achieve.

If so, feel free to share it with me on Instagram or Twitter. I am happy about every message.