Use these 3 time management tips to stop procrastinating and start studying

How often have you read about upgrading your time-management system by using the Pomodoro method?

Probably more than 100 times. I've dealt with learning how to study for over 6 years., and these are my go-to time management hacks.

šŸ”° Try these 3 time management tips to stop procrastinating and start studying

šŸ› #1. Use the little time in between activities to let your mind wander.

Unlike most productivity advice, which suggests using every minute productively, I use the time when I run just to run.

I look out the window while riding the train. I let my mind wander. Working the whole day, the brain deserves a break sometimes.

When I then come back to do focused work, I feel refreshed.

I am much more relaxed, unlike when I try to fill every spare minute trying to do something productive.

šŸ³ #2. Stop with the To-Do List. Instead, write down one single to-do item and do it. Cross it out and write down the next to-do item.

In Ali Abdaals' podcast Deep Dive, the author of 4000 Weeks, Oliver Burkman, recommends this simple productivity hack.

There is no need for any additional fancy productivity apps.

āœ #3. Go back to paper and pencil. On the computer, open Microsoft Word.

There are certainly great tools to help you study; however, these frequently distract us from our actual tasks.

Some weeks ago, while I was writing my posts, I was always looking for the next AI writing tool to improve my writing. I procrastinated and failed to complete the task at hand: writing.

ā™» Conclusion

  1. Use breaks to relax.
  2. Shorten your to-do list.
  3. Cut off the internet when studying.

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