📵 Embracing Boredom by Making it Through the Day Without My Phone

I have a 31-day challenge.

For 31 days, I will take on a new challenge every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. This should lead me to develop mental strength and the habit of wanting to embark on new adventures and lead a happier life.

🧗‍♀️ I've already done the following:

💪 Do 1000 push-ups in one day

📝 Draw a picture and sell it on eBay

🎬 Make a YouTube video and post it online

🤩 Upcoming challenges:

Visit a retirement home and speak with some of the residents about their experiences

Request a 20% discount at a supermarket or Starbucks

Create an online course that sucks and publish it in one day

✋ Feel free to check out the other challenges I have set myself up to. Or even better, join and tell me how it went.

🥳 Challenge Nr. 8 completed

Today in the morning, I was so stressed that I forgot my phone at home. The outcome: ✅ Number 8 - Don't use my phone for 1 day.

I had one of the most productive and introverted (in a good way) days in a long time.

🏠 Why I will forget my phone at home again

1. Thoughts get to travel freely. You give your brain the chance to search for what it needs now.

2. Excellent concepts evolve. The brain answers questions you've been asking yourself for a long time. (Or why do you recall where you put your car keys when doing something entirely different?)

3. Less stress. All these little dopamine hits on our phone create huge distraction craters, which it is difficult to come out of.

🤯 A dumb phone app for my smartphone

I decided to install this application on my phone.

Minimalist Phone
minimalist phone - reduce your screen time
Gain valuable time in your life. Turn your phone into a minimalist phone and reduce your screen time.

The consequence: I will think first about what I am searching for. Less mindless scrolling.

📴 Why I am thinking about introducing a No-Phone-Tuesday

  1. Boredom is beneficial to your brain.
  2. Your brain will seek stimulation. If it can't discover any on the exterior, it will look within.

⏳ Too much dopamine reduces productivity

The threshold between what I enjoy doing and what I usually procrastinate on was about average. However, I've recently raised my dopamine expectations. The gap between what I generally procrastinate on and my average dopamine grew.

It's no surprise that I procrastinated on doing (before) minor things. The obstacle was too large.

When I step outside of my comfort zone, I learn more in one day than I would in two regular weeks.

Next time, if you think to yourself: "I don't want to do this, but I have the feeling it would be good for me. It could make me grow." My belief: You have found it! Do it!

31-Day Challenge
31 Insane + Nice Things I Will Do In The Next Coming Weeks 🚀 Impossible Things completed, which brought me out of my comfort zone I’ve had a bucket list and every year a new vision board for quite some time now. I have been collecting new Challenges on them for quite