For a long time I made the mistake of just not studying subjects I don't like.
I had to study for an exam in accounting and had no motivation. I thought I could somehow slip through and still pass the exam. The feeling that something takes so much control made me feel awful and dissatified.
As a result I learned what to do if I don't feel like studying for a subject I don't like.
8 underestimated ways to overcome laziness & start studying a subject you don't like
#1. Ask yourself WHY it is essential to study the subject.
Example: "It will allow you to continue your studies and pass this semester."
Visualize and fully immerse into the negative feeling if you don't study for the subject and thus fail the test.
This helps if your motivation for doing something is "away from." (depending on the person's motivation is always towards or away from)
#2. Start by studying for only 5 minutes.
In the book Atomic Habits, the author, James Clear, describes that it is crucial to take the first tiny initial step to overcome procrastination.
If we take the first step to order a taxi to the gym, we will tell ourselves: "Now that I am already here, I might as well do a short workout."
After training for 5 minutes, we might think something like this: "I could maybe just do 10 minutes more." And so on.
#3. Reward yourself after the tiniest achievement so that your brain associates the activity you don't like with something you do like.
For example, you could do this by eating an M&M after each question you got right.
#4. Change your environment: Switch your study place to change your thinking pattern.
We are often stuck in our minds and need a different place to change our patterns of thinking.
Go to your favorite café or library.
A place which you enjoy.
#5. Studying a subject, you don't enjoy will build up resilience.
Think about what a great skill it is to be able to do something you don't enjoy. There will be situations in the future that you will not enjoy.
Learning a subject, you don't like will build this muscle.
#6. Incorporate things out of other subjects you enjoy.
E.g., If you don't enjoy studying economics but really like informatics: Think about how you can incorporate informatics concepts.
You could learn economics by writing down an economic method writing it down like code.
This could be like: IF {supply} > {demand} = price down.
#7. Release all your anger and frustration you have towards the subject out ONCE.
After that, watch your language and use positive language like "I have the possibility to challenge myself"
or "I will be able to show how to get energy out of a situation I used to struggle with."
Reframing is a powerful tool in NLP that will prime your subconscious for the best.
#8. Don't make it a HUGE deal you must accomplish in one day or one big chunk.
Look at it as a subject you work on day after day a little bit.
Then it will improve over time, and overwhelming feelings will subside.
Do you have any other ways to overcome laziness & start studying a subject you don't like? Write me on Instagram or Twitter :)
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