🧘‍♂️ Going Monk

👋 Hello friend,

I don't know when was the last time I experienced such a radical shift in my surroundings.

Just yesterday, I squeezed myself through masses of people at the biggest techno-party worldwide - the Zurich street parade. And now, I'm on my way from Dublin to Ennis where I (finally) attend a 10-day vipassana meditation seminar.

The rules of the "game":

  • No phone or other electronic devices.
  • No communication or talking of any kind.
  • No books or writing.
  • No sexual activity of any kind.
  • Just sitting with me and my thoughts from 04:00 AM till 10:00 PM.

Now, there might be one question coming up... Why the freaking hell? And is he going completely monk mode?

Well, that's a very good and valid question.

Reasons why I attend a 10-day vipassana course:

  1. Seeking Discomfort: I had already planned to attend a Vipassana course in December 2022. Thinking back, I had a lot of respect and kept finding excuses why it's not the right time. The mind is great at rationalizing. Not anymore. Like Tony Robbins always says, it made a "click" and transformed from a 'should' into a 'must'.
  2. Dopamine detox: In recent years, I have repeatedly felt how much energy and attention our mobile phones rob us. I sometimes have the feeling my phone controls me and squeezes out every ounce of focused energy I have left.
  3. Discipline and structure: I like a plan. I like a daily plan. It gives me the chance to have the mental capacity for other things, not thinking about what I could do next.
  4. Simplicity and renunciation of luxury: When was the last time you were bored? When was the last time you were all alone with your thoughts?

I notice that when I have done something exhausting like running or sitting at a task for a while, the next reach is to the phone and my brain tries to release dopamine.

The dopamine tolerance is constantly increasing. But imagine that you were the one who had the superpower to delve into a topic.

When the dopamine tolerance is so low, you are happy about the sun's rays that shine into the room. Maybe already the housework becomes the biggest adventure of the day. I'm curious.

Have 2 great weeks!

xx Luke