🛑 pro·cras·ti·na·tion

👋🏼 Hello friend

After realizing how many posts I have already written on the subject of procrastination, I wonder if I have procrastinated when I was writing them.

👊 How to stop procrastinating and start taking action instead
Success doesn’t come from knowledge; it comes from action. “If [more] information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.” - Derek Sivers 🎯 These pieces of advice have helped me to overcome procrastination and take action instead #1. Do not aim for perfection. Instead…
How to overcome Procrastination with this simple trick
Barbara Oakley talks about procrastination in the bestselling book A Mind for Numbers and her inspiring Ted Talk. She mentions a simple but very effective solution: The Pomodoro Technique. 🍅 The Pomodoro Technique: Overcome Procrastination with this simple trick You set a timer for 25 minutes…
Use these 3 time management tips to stop procrastinating and start studying
How often have you read about upgrading your time-management system using the Pomodoro method? Probably more than 100 times. I’ve dealt with learning how to study for over 6 years.

🎊 I will introduce a few methods you probably haven't heard of yet to cross out procrastination for good

You may be thinking: What is this guy telling me about how to stop procrastinating? He sends his Sunday newsletter on Tuesdays.

Well, you are right ... and touché. 💁🏼‍♀️


I spent hours ... no days researching how to beat procrastination, digging up the best articles, reading books, and trying out all kinds of methods.

In today's newsletter, I would like to give some practical tips which have helped me.

The limbic system and prefrontal cortex

Simply said, one of two brain parts determines how we react when facing a difficult or unpleasant task. 

  1. The Limbic system (one of the oldest and most dominant parts of the brain involved in emotional responses)
  2. The Prefrontal Cortex (newly evolved part that differentiates humans from animals; involved in decision-making)

The almost automatic processes of the limbic system wins most of the time, leading to delaying the task for later. This leads to the classic effects of procrastination, feeling good in the moment but worse later.

🧱 Principles you can't hear often enough:

Aim for slow, steady progress. Storylines are rewritten one page at a time. The key is to improve, not to be perfect. 

It isn't about developing better time management skills or finding motivation to overcome procrastination. 

The point is to change the story you tell yourself by taking small action steps towards your bigger goals. Action leads to results, and results will change your beliefs - your storyline.

🎯 Concrete Action-Steps

Ask yourself why you are resisting working on this particular task.

I always have my little notebook with me. I call it my Action Book.

My Action Book

Whenever I start procrastinating, I write my thoughts and don't stop till I have one page written. This provides clarity.

Uncertainty hinders progress. When we're uncertain about our approach, the desired outcome, or the true purpose of a task, our progress becomes challenging.